Grease Trap Servicing

The most common cause of kitchen drains backing up is a poorly maintained grease trap system. Our approach is to, not only empty the grease trap body, but also examine and clean the inlet and outlet pipes, as required.

The solution is a regular grease trap maintenance schedule that can prevent troublesome drain back up which causes kitchen shut down and, therefore, loss of revenue.

Our premium service includes removing the lid, pumping out food and grease waste from the grease trap, inspect both inlet and outlet pipes and removing any obvious blockages (i.e. grease, stir sticks, etc.), returning the lid.

Grease Trap Service Tips

  • It is highly recommended that only a licensed hauler remove grease trap waste.
  • Get on a regular grease trap service program.
  • Do not put any fryer grease down sinks. Put screens in sinks to collect any solid particles.
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